HydraPlant by Piquirious

During the Fall of 2022, I took the Innovative Product Design and Manufacturing Course at Cornell. With a group of 7 other students, we formed a fictional company, Piqurious, and developed a product, HydraPlant, to tackle the prompt of improving the new normal.

We conducted empathy fieldwork by interviewing friends, family, and strangers at state parks and other local Ithaca Hangout spots. After examining many groups of ideas, we chose to aim for improving the physical and mental well being of Work From Home (WFH) employees because many of us could relate after a summer of virtual internships and jobs. Over the course of the semester, we created extensive documentation across 3 design reviews in order to prove the viability of our product, including Persona context diagrams, Conjoint Analysis, Bodystorming, TRIZ idea generation, House of Quality, Bass Forcasting, User preference surveys as part of market analysis, CAD + Simulations and more.

At the end of the semester, Piqurious won 1st place at the final design review fair!